Rashmi Chand
Apollo Gleangles Hospital, India
Title: CT imaging features of primary imaging of primary peritoneal tumors with pathological correlation
Biography: Rashmi Chand
Objective: The purpose of the presentation is to review the CT imaging patterns of primary peritoneal tumors and to correlate the imaging findings with pathologic features based on the proposed histogenesis. Primary peritoneal tumors are classified into mesothelial, epithelial, smooth muscle and uncertain origin groups.
Method: This presentation describes various primary peritoneal tumors and demonstrates the characteristic CT appearances using images from patients referred to with histological confirmation. Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) imaging is approximately 90% sensitive in the detection of peritoneal neoplastic lesions greater than 5 mm. CT scan also plays an important role in guiding biopsy for tissue diagnosis and assist with the management of disease namely in surgical planning.
Result: Primary peritoneal tumors are an uncommon group of diverse pathological disorders. They share a common anatomic site of origin and have overlapping imaging features yet are distinctly different clinically. Their imaging appearances overlap with those of diffused peritoneal metastatic disease and infectious disease.
Conclusion: Differentiating primary peritoneal tumors from metastatic disease is important clinically so that patient management is appropriate.